Catherine Evans


March 2012

Catherine Evans creates objects out of everyday materials, transforming these objects into an experience that goes beyond the ordinary. She loves the sensuality of the repetitive process as it creates a meaningful engagement between the maker and object. She has embraced the relationship between order and disorder in both art and life

"My objects embody the multitasking required in doing work in a woman's life. Repetitive braiding, knotting, tying as a way of fixing, maintaining. Realizing, the older my life, the bigger the circle of concern. The greater the concerns, the more art I create. And surprisingly, it is a very joyful art."

The final object tells her and the viewer that what we view as chaos is really the layered complexity of life. In the end the viewer is rewarded with a rich and vibrant experience.

Gallery I

NKG March 3-22, 2012
Opening Reception Friday March 2, 2012 5-8 pm
NK Gallery
450 Harrison Avenue #61
Boston MA 021118
Gallery hours Wed- Sat 11am – 4pm

ArtScope Magazine write up



Catherine Evans website